Reviewing your debts with a view to improving your financial situation through refinancing could help save you money.
You Could Be Paying More Than You Have To!
It is common for people to refinance as they can get a better interest rate, lower monthly repayments and change their loan to suit their lifestyle. Best of all, it won’t cost you anything to have a 2 finance consultant compare loans for you - so you can start saving money now.
Debt Consolidation
Do you have a personal loan, credit card debt or car loan?
It is possible to save a considerable amount in interest payments by combining these debts with your home loan. While this can be a good idea in many cases, you should consider a couple of things first. Such as, are there any exit costs on your short-term loans which would cancel out any benefit derived by consolidating with your home loan? You will also need to be careful not to end up paying more by spreading your repayments over a longer period of time. A 2 finance consultant can help you to restructure your finances and discuss ways for you to obtain the savings and avoid the traps.
Refinancing Tips & Tricks
You don’t have to be buying or selling your home to move your loan.
There is no reason to wait until you sell your home or buy another property. If you are not satisfied with your current loan, why not start saving now.
You can save thousands by switching to a more appropriate loan.
Savings made as a result of lower interest rates and low or no monthly fees can be sizable. When these savings are added to your repayments, they can cut years off your home loan and save you a considerable amount.
You don’t need to shop around.
2 finance will do the running around for you!
Our consultants use their expertise and experience in the home loan market coupled with a unique computer software program that enables us to compare hundreds of loans in a matter of minutes. Our consultants will then be able to provide you with a short list of loans that are both competitive and suitable – simplifying the refinancing process for you.
Naturally your decision to refinance your loan/s will be dependent on a number of factors including the age of your loan, existing loan structure, loan fees and charges and of course your future plans.